News & Dates

July 2024

Friday 19th July – 1:45pm Year 6 Assembly

Wednesday 24th July – Nursery students last day of term

Wednesday 24th July – 6-8:30pm Year 6 BBQ & Disco

Thursday 25th July – Last day of term, children can leave at 2pm (No Peartree)

September 2024

Monday 2nd September – Staff Training / INSET Day (no students)

Tuesday 3rd September – Staff Training / INSET Day (no students)

Wednesday 4th September – Primary students return to school

Monday 9th September – Nursery students start / settling in phase begins

School Office 020 8699 4522

General Enquires:
Admissions/Wraparound Care:
All general enquires are dealt with by Ms Gambier, School Business Manager

Perrymount Primary School,
Sunderland Road, Forest Hill,
London, SE23 2PX
Head Teacher Ms Christine Keen

Any DPO issues, please contact Mr Stephen Williams,
Head of Information Security and Governance | DPO.
He can be contacted on either or 0208 314 6212