British Values at Perrymount

At Perrymount we expect our children to understand the virtues of a values based society. We want our children to grow into responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society, upholding the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty.

British Value How is this promoted at Perrymount?

How do we promote the values of democracy in lessons and wider school life?

–       Each year children explore and create a Class charter within their class and discuss the rights and responsibilities that are associated with these.

–       We reflect the British electoral system though the implementation of class elections which are held annually to elect Junior Governors. The Junior Governors meet weekly and report back on school issues discussed in class meetings.  Examples of issues include discussion on the school behaviour policy, their ideas relating to the school curriculum and marking and feedback policy.  Junior Governors are pay a pivotal role in fundraising for worthy causes (this year they are focusing on children’s charities) and manage their own budget for playground equipment etc.

–       The school premises are used as a polling station for local, national and European elections, and at that time pupils are taught about electoral process and what democracy means in practice.

–       Perrymount School Buddies play an ever-increasing role in the schools every day running, they demonstrate our behaviour policy consistently and support younger pupils in making the right choices.

–       In upper KS2, current affairs are discussed daily leading our pupils to analyse how British issues and values are portrayed in the media.

–       Pupils are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to others, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard.

–        Pupils bi-annually complete a questionnaire, enabling them to put across their individual views about our school and meet regularly with curriculum coordinators to discuss their ideas and desires.


Understanding the rule of law.

Do pupils understand that there is a separation of power between the executive (the government) and the judiciary (the courts)?

Are pupils made aware of the difference between the law of the land (all the laws in force in a country) and religious law?

–       The importance of law, whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is consistently reinforced at Perrymount School.

–       Pupils are taught from an early age the rules of the school which are reflected in our behaviour policy, class rules, playground rules and safety rules.

–       Pupils are taught the value of reasons behind rules and laws and the consequences when laws are broken.

–       Many of these messages are reinforced by outside agencies who visit Perrymount often to work with our pupils; Transport for London, The London Fire Brigade, Cycling Proficiency Training, The Jimmy Mizzen Foundation to name just a few.

–       With the introduction of the new National Curriculum pupils in Year 6 now receive first aid training to extend our value focus on becoming a good citizen and now make an annual visit to the Houses of Parliament to discover how democracy works in practice.


Individual liberty

How do we promote the importance of identifying and combating discrimination?


–       Pupils at Perrymount are actively encouraged to make the right choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

–       We educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make informed choices, understanding and exercising their rights and personal freedoms.  Pupils are advised to exercise these safely through areas such as eSafety and PHSE lessons.

–       As a whole school we often come together to celebrate and acknowledge the sacrifices made by others to defend our liberty during times of war, as well as the struggle of different groups for equality.

–       Perrymount is an inclusive school with up to 10 places for children with complex medical needs. These children are taught alongside their peers, are fully included in the school’s curriculum and enable all of our community to understand that having a disability is not a barrier to learning or being part of society.


Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith

Do pupils understand that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law?

How do we promote tolerance between different cultural traditions by enabling pupils to acquire an appreciation of their own and other cultures?

–       Mutual respect is at the heart of our values.  Pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.

–       We nurture a learning environment in which manners, politeness and respect for all are actively role modelled and demonstrated.

–       We endeavour to respect and value one another’s opinions – even and especially when it is different to our own.

–       We believe diversity is strength and actively promote it through our celebration of different faiths and cultures.

–       Our Religious Education and PSHE curriculum reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others.  Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the schools and the children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.

–       Tolerance is also promoted through knowledge. Our RE and wider curriculum appreciates both the similarities and differences between faiths and communities to again promote mutual understanding and respect.

–       Freedom of speech is discussed in class and as part of the extremist programme that we run in the summer term. Assemblies with Years 5 and 6 discuss issues of extremism, what it can mean and discuss further our children’s views and concerns about living in today’s society.




Through all of our work we hope to prepare our pupils to become thoughtful, reflective and tolerant citizens of the future. The recent addition of ‘British Values’ has complemented the work we already do and extended it further. We have always celebrated British occasions such as Royal Weddings and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and of course taught our children that all British people love a nice cup of tea!

The above continues to be a work in progress. If you would like to find out more then please just make an appointment and come and visit us

School Office 020 8699 4522

General Enquires:
Admissions/Wraparound Care:
All general enquires are dealt with by Ms Gambier, School Business Manager

Perrymount Primary School,
Sunderland Road, Forest Hill,
London, SE23 2PX
Head Teacher Ms Christine Keen

Any DPO issues, please contact Mr Stephen Williams,
Head of Information Security and Governance | DPO.
He can be contacted on either or 0208 314 6212